“Emmanuel” by Pastor Ryan Emmons is in the Advent series “And He Will Be Called…” that talks about the names of Christ from the “O Antiphons”. These are a series of prayers from the early church liturgy, used in the week before Christmas and best known to us in the song “O Come O Come Emmanuel”. This one is from Isaiah 7:14:

Isaiah 7:14 (NLT) ; 以 賽 亞 書 7:14 (CUVS)

14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).

14 因 此 , 主 自 己 要 给 你 们 一 个 兆 头 , 必 有 童 女 怀 孕 生 子 , 给 他 起 名 叫 以 马 内 利 ( 就 是 神 与 我 们 同 在 的 意 思 ) 。

Luke 2:1-7 (NLT) ; 路 加 福 音 2:1-7 (CUVS)
Luke 2:8-20 (NLT) ; 路 加 福 音 2:8-20 (CUVS)

Sermon Notes

Here is a PDF of Pastor Ryan’s sermon notes (not a transcript) from the sermon.

Sermon Image by Jeff Jacobs on Pixabay

“Day Spring” by Pastor Ryan Emmons is in the Advent series “And He Will Be Called…” that talks about the names of Christ from the “O Antiphons”. These are a series of prayers from the early church liturgy, used in the week before Christmas and best known to us in the song “O Come O Come Emmanuel”. This one is from Isaiah 9:2.

John 1:1-9 (NLT) ; 約 翰 福 音 1:1-9 (CUVS)
Isaiah 9:1-5 (NLT) ; 以 賽 亞 書 9:1-5 (CUVS)

Sermon Notes

Here is a PDF of Pastor Ryan’s sermon notes (not a transcript) from the sermon.

Sermon Image by Jeff Jacobs on Pixabay

“Wisdom” by Pastor Ryan Emmons is in the Advent series “And He Will Be Called…” that talks about the names of Christ from the “O Antiphons”. These are a series of prayers from the early church liturgy, used in the week before Christmas and best known to us in the song “O Come O Come Emmanuel”. This one is from Isaiah 11:2.

Isaiah 33:5-6 (NLT) ; 以 賽 亞 書 33:5-6 (CUVS)
Isaiah 11:1-5 (NLT) ; 以 賽 亞 書 11:1-5 (CUVS)

Sermon Notes

Here is a PDF of Pastor Ryan’s sermon notes (not a transcript) from the sermon.

Sermon Image by Jeff Jacobs on Pixabay

“Desire of Nations” by Pastor Ryan Emmons is in the Advent series “And He Will Be Called…” that talks about the names of Christ from the “O Antiphons”. These are a series of prayers from the early church liturgy, used in the week before Christmas and best known to us in the song “O Come O Come Emmanuel”. The first one is on the title “Desire of Nations” from Haggai 2:7.

Isaiah 7:149:6 (NLT) ; 以 賽 亞 書 7:149:6 (CUVS)
Haggai 2:6-9 (NLT) ; 箴 言 9:1-6 (CUVS)

Sermon Notes

Here is a PDF of Pastor Ryan’s sermon notes (not a transcript) from the sermon.

Sermon Image by Jeff Jacobs on Pixabay